A Problem That Needs Fixing

On 5/17/2017 at a hearing in Washington it was stated that there is “The Need for More Responsible Regulatory and Enforcement Policies at the EEOC” and

"Workplace discrimination remains a persistent problem across our nation,” said Subcommittee Ranking Member Takano. “More than two million workers leave their jobs each year due to workplace discrimination, which costs U.S. employers $64 billion annually. While complaints filed with the EEOC are on the rise, the Majority has refused to increase funding for the EEOC for the past four years. It’s time for us to give the EEOC the funding it needs to take on this enormous challenge.”

Today the challenge still exists. No new funding has transpired, as we understand, almost 4 years after the lawmakers publicly acknowledge the problem. To the Disabled American, the Non Enforcement of ADA are Disability Rights issues. It should be noted, when a Disabled Americans alleges Discrimination in the workplace, that Disabled American continues to suffer because the courts usually side with the Employer. The EEOC has not received funding to investigate and enforce the law which was the reason for the EEOC’s existence in the first place.

Because the EEOC cannot investigate and enforce all complaints, the Employer may not be aware of ADA Laws, or they may consider ADA Law as non-critical, since these laws don’t appear to be enforced at times. Understandably., for - profit businesses are critical for a thriving economy and making profit is expected, but not at the expense of a qualified employee. The qualified Disabled Employee that complains of discrimination, when a discriminatory act occurs, suffers the consequences when complaining in the first place, because he or she may find themselves fighting an up hill battle when they discover, in their situation, an ADA Law that becomes unnoticed.

This is an example of why we support Americans with Disabilities and why HELP is needed now.


What Does the Law Say?


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